Finn Johnsson

Web designer & developer

Finn Johnsson

Web designer & developer

Finn Johnsson

Web designer & developer


From Side Hustle to Full-Time

18 Aug 2024


min read

Three years ago, I was juggling a 9-to-5 job and a fledgling side hustle. Today, I'm a full-time solopreneur, running my own business from the comfort of my home office. The journey wasn't always smooth, but it was definitely worth it. Here's how I made the leap from side hustle to self-employment, and the lessons I learned along the way.

Starting Small

My journey began with a passion project. I'd always loved designing websites, and I started offering my services to friends and family on weekends. It was exhilarating to see my creations come to life and to hear the positive feedback from my first clients.

At this stage, I kept my expectations low. I wasn't thinking about quitting my day job; I was just excited to be doing something I loved and making a little extra money on the side.

Building a Foundation

As word spread and I started getting more clients, I realized I needed to get serious about my side hustle. I created a simple website, set up a business email, and started to think about my brand. I also began to educate myself, taking online courses in web design and business management during my lunch breaks and after work.

One of the most crucial steps I took was to start treating my side hustle like a real business, even when it was just a few hours a week. I set up a separate bank account, tracked my income and expenses meticulously, and always delivered work on time, no matter how small the project.

The Tipping Point

About a year into my side hustle, I hit a tipping point. I was consistently earning about half of my day job salary from my freelance work, and I was starting to feel the strain of working two jobs. I was turning down interesting projects because I didn't have the time, and I knew something had to give.

This was when I started to seriously consider going full-time with my business. I sat down and created a detailed business plan. I looked at my finances, estimated my expenses, and set a savings goal that would cover six months of living expenses. This became my runway for launching into full-time self-employment.

Making the Leap

It took another eight months of hard work, saving, and planning before I felt ready to make the leap. I had built up my client base, created a portfolio I was proud of, and had enough savings to feel secure.

Handing in my resignation was one of the scariest moments of my life. But it was also incredibly liberating. I'll never forget the mix of terror and excitement I felt on my first Monday as a full-time solopreneur.

The Reality of Self-Employment

The first few months of full-time self-employment were a rollercoaster. There were days when I felt on top of the world, landing new clients and delivering projects I was proud of. There were also days when I questioned my decision, especially when facing challenges like irregular income and the isolation of working from home.

I quickly learned the importance of routine and self-discipline. Without the structure of a traditional job, it's easy to either overwork or procrastinate. I created a schedule for myself, setting specific work hours and making sure to include breaks and time for exercise.

I also realized the importance of community. I joined local entrepreneur groups and online forums for web designers. These connections provided support, advice, and sometimes even led to new clients.

Scaling and Growing

As I became more comfortable with my new reality, I started to think about scaling my business. I began to specialize in e-commerce websites, which allowed me to charge higher rates and attract more profitable clients.

I also started to create digital products, like website templates and online courses, to generate passive income. This helped to smooth out the feast-and-famine cycle that many freelancers experience.

Lessons Learned

Looking back on my journey, here are the key lessons I've learned:

  1. Start before you're ready. You'll learn so much by doing.

  2. Treat your side hustle like a real business from day one.

  3. Build a financial cushion before making the leap.

  4. Network and find a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

  5. Be prepared for the emotional challenges of self-employment.

  6. Never stop learning and adapting.

The journey from side hustle to full-time business owner has been the most challenging and rewarding experience of my life. It's not always easy, but the freedom and fulfillment it brings are priceless. If you're considering making the leap, remember: with careful planning, hard work, and a bit of courage, you can turn your side hustle into your main gig too.


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